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Friday, December 01, 2006

choir was FUNFUNFUN!!
haha.had the workshop thingy.
played games!
the first game we played was the kfc thing.
haha.err.we had to play scissors paper stone and grow up frm an egg to chick to hen and to kernal sandals.

then we played the fruit seller game.
we were splited into 4 grps.
apple, banana, coconut and durian.
i belong to the banana grp! yay! i love banana so much!
haha. dehong, xinci, qiumei, ain, xinyue, shazlin, sijie, melissa koh and i are in banana

hmm.then we also played the turning of the mats.
my grp turned the mat in 40sec!! pro right!!

next we played a game whereby we all lie on the person beside us de stomach
and then the chairs will be taken away.
and we will be left there!!
so scary can!!
girls 1 group and guys 1 group.
we have so many girls. i think abt 30 bah!
can u imagine anot! 30 pple leh!!
when firdaus and benny came to take the chairs away,
i was screaming like a crazy
and weeting which i was lying on, keep saying
"vr scary meh? i dont find leh"
ahh! so
wanleng was lying on me
and i kept laughing.
then my stomach keep vibrating
and i can feel her head vibrating also
then i laughed more.and she starts laughing also!
and weeting starts and camillie starts!! LOL

haha.erm.after that we had to use our legs to hold a bucket of water.
and both our legs must not touch the ground.
after that we had to take off our shoes w/o the bucket dropping
and sing a song, then wear our shoes back.
when we are supposed to wear our shoes, everyone wore it tgt.
then i was like wth.cause i was the only person not wearing.
lol! and they were like.maggie wait ar!! going to okay liao!
lol.and i felt like i was giving birth.LOL

ps. lee dehong= little hong. LOL

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