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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

im back from the sec3 camp!

well,overall i enjoyed it very much.
and im loving 3e5 man!

shasha and khairul were our trainers
they looked weird at first to me lah
but after all the interactions, they are super good people!!

walked all the way from our school there
didnt know that changi is so close to east coast.
wanleng had stomach ache or rather cramps lah
so, we helped her carry all her things!
so good right! but anyway, bobby and chun helped the girls carry their sleeping bags and shoe my hands were empty
but, wanleng's stuff eventually ended up with the guys lah
haha.i almost died during the walk.
3e5 decided not to take any breaks and just continue until we reach there
wanleng didnt walk with the class as she couldnt catch up with the speed
she walked with mrs tan UNDER THE UMBRELLA
good lor u!lol.
i feel like fainting lor.but when we finally reached, i felt a sense of satisfaction
i couldnt believe that i actually walked that far
i think abt 3 hours bah.
and we overtook 2/more groups
well, i almost gave up.but the guys were like pushing xinyi and i
and i couldnt NOT move.
they will just keep pushing.

when we finally reached there, i couldnt hear anything
i think its due to dehydration or something lah.but it kinda freaked me out.
like i suddenly become a deaf person like that.
then wanleng joined us telling us how cooling the sick bay was
and that there was aircon and how cosy the bed was
good lor.i so jealous! lol

lunch was cold.
but i think that it was quite yummy.
maybe because im hungry?
but it was really squeezy!
1 short bench 5 wow.i cant even open my hands
haha.and the washing up was terrible
everyone share the sponges and the soap water and everything
and all the dirty stuff inside
disgusting man!lol

after lunch was CRC.
all those scary scary things lah.
due to the lack of harvests, xinyi, wanleng and i didnt wear
and then we were pushed to do the most scary thing!
cause this one is need to wear a different harvest and got alot.
its like the shao nian te gong dui always play one
stand on 1 tall tall pole and then jump to reach for a pole
seeing siuming do is like so easy lor! doesnt look difficult at all.
actually we didnt wanna do de.
then wanleng said that must make this trip worth it so that we wont be so sad that we couldnt see wuzun.
so we decided to try.and since we are trying, xinyi will try too
haha.wanleng went up first.
she touched the pole but didnt hold on to it lah.

i went second.
super duper scared! cause it was actually higher than it seemed
until halfway, i regretted saying that i wanna try but it was too late
when i finally step onto the pole, my legs were shivering!
i didnt even dare to jump
i was stranded there for quite a while but eventually jumped lah
i als touched the pole but didnt hold on to it
well, when i jump, i cried.
i guess too scary for me bah
xinyi worst ar. she was crying all the way!

next on we went to play those games to build up our unity
one of them is all of us had to stand on a hill like thingy lah
the surface was really small and it was difficult to squeeze so many people
i was hugging on the xinyi and wanleng so tightly until my hands are breaking!!
and when we played the spider web, i squeezed through a small hole
and everyone including me were surprised! haha.
i think i got touch until but shasha didnt see only

after dinner had night walk
was blindedfolded.
jiewei who was in front of me was suddenly taken away to be the front man
i didnt know who was infront of me
and i just waved my hand and i touched chun's butt!

after we bathed, hakim was standin at the staircase while the 3 of us were standing downstairs
hakim: nisa leh?
wanleng: huh?
hakim: where's nisa??
wanleng: *cannot hear* u sucks too!
LOL!!! she thought hakim was saying u suck
and hakim was like wth?
cant stop laughing man!!!!

suppose to do rock climbing
xinyi, wanleng and i didnt wanna do!
so we told mr neo to help us.
he approached shasha who was in charge of the flying fox and he agreed to let us join
lalala! but we didnt tell the rock climbing in charge
she sure dont allow de lor!
and then she came and scold us lah
saying that the whole class may be punished because of the 3 of us
that made all 3 of us SOOO guilty!!
both of them cried when she scolded us but i ren

until my turn to do the flying fox, i cannot ren anymore
i just cried and shouted my heart out!
it was super scary lah.and then i couldnt stop crying even after i go down
and the more they console me, the more guilty i feel!

and haneef!! he lost my watch
he promised to find for me!
but..haiz.he didnt manage to lah
so sad)))))))):

went kayaking after that
it was fun lah! i grouped with syahirul and fadli
before we start, there was "warm up"
we were supposed to go down with interlocked arms
and before i even realise, i couldnt touch the ground liao
like so fast lor!and then i didnt tighten my pfd and it was so lose that when it floats, it is above my ears. and im like cannot breathe.
but i held on the syahirul.

before we even start to paddle, the boat capsized abt 3 times
like wth! and ot hit my butt.pain sia!
finally! we were able to set off from the starting point without capsizing
everything was alright except the crazy currents
and syahirul keep knocking my head with his paddle accidentally
it hurts man!! lol
but overall it was really fun lor!

then supposed to do orienteering but we did camp preparation
it was fun!!
our cheer:

are u ready kids?
aye aye captain!
i cant hear u
aye aye captain
we got a f-f-i-i-ght
we got a s-s-c-c-ore
we gonna fight(fight), score(score), win them all
sha sha warriors kill them all!
WE, will win the war(times 3)
1 more time
WE, will win the war(times 3)
what abt them?
*pause for a few sec*
THEY will lose them all(times3)
1 more time

super fun and nice! haha.
but our dance was.... sucky.

during improvising raft we slacked the whole time
only the guys did the raft lah
haha.we were sitting at the shade playing dumdumdilidili
i know we are very bad

finally, the campfire was here
was actually very high but eventually became super tired
sang, shouted, crazied

its the last day! well, actually im quite sad lah
after breakfast we had to clean the area.
we cleaned the canteen
xinyi,wanleng, me and edison had to clean the basin
it was super dirty lah.
but we finished quite fast
after we finished, we stood there and rest and talk
then the woman who scolded us saw and asked what we were doing
we said that we finished what we were supposed to do
and she asked us to pick up 10 litter!
like wtf! they almost finished sweeping liao go where take little lor!!
but out instructors helped us.
he took out all the little from the trash good!

well, at last that bitch didnt even check.
whatever lah.
was quite sad that we had to leave that place
reached school.debriefed and was dismissed.

headed to kfc
stayed ther for abt 6 hours crapping and crapping nonstop

thats it! the camp is over
like so fast?
and im missing it already
realised that mr neo and mrs tan are very very good people!
especially mr neo.
he is really really nice. i dont know how to say lah
everything seem so wonderful!
so wonderful that im worried.
worried that suddenly everything might change and then..
suddenly everyone and everthing will be different
when i close my eyes, all the things that happened the pass few days flashed through my head
and then tears just roll down automatically.
m i being too emotional?
but i really miss this camp.
everything may change but the memories DEFINITELY WILL stay!!

i love 3e5'07(:

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