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Friday, February 23, 2007

its a long day.
life's like that.
we wake up, go to school/work, eat, sleep, die
what's the point?

just when i thought that everything changed,
it just didnt.
i was back to square 1 and forced to start all over again.
all the wishes, all the dreams,
they were all crashed
i dont have a choice.
i dont have the rights to choose

we study hard everday because we want to get a good job in the future
but what if i dont want to study?
what if what i want to do is to spend my time with my friends and family
life is short and we shouldnt waste time on schooling
schooling is totally meaningless
we go to school everyday and just looking forward to recess and after school
stress overcame us and changed our sunny days into rainy days.
happy days changed into stressed and scared days
and what we think of everyday is homework and tests

what the hell am i saying
i dont know.
someone please wake me up
shout, scream, yell
whats happening?
i dont want to know.
perhaps escaping is the only thing i know
perhaps im just a fucking coward
perhaps everything is not to my liking
perhaps nothing is going my way
but, i believe that MAGGIELIMMEIQI will persevere to the end, and never give up.

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