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Friday, February 16, 2007

so many people wore home clothes today.
actually i wore only class tee and school skirt
and i find myself really really stupid
pay 2bucks just to wear class tee
and then hafir keep saying "maggie nonsense sia"
lol.then recess time weeting went to change
then i also change lor
the celebration sucked lor.
i sat right at the back
and i really cannot see anything
not even a little. height T-T
2.the other people's height

its so saddening that some people can me THAT tall
and pathetic me can be THIS short
unfair man!!haha.

after school went to bugis.
shopped and shopped
spent super duper lots of money.
wahahaha.dont care lah.
new year mahh

had dinner at pastamania
while queueing up was looking at the uncle kneading the dough for the pizza
then he suddenly looked at me and winked
i couldnt help but burst into laughter
really super funny lor!
he winked to everyone guai peh peh
weeting: i want spicy chicken
guy: pasta choice?
weeting: fuSHIlli
guy: fusilli?
weeting: yar
me: fuSHIlli. LOL
and then the guy started laughing too
and weeting was like blaming me.haha

ohyar.i bought the same watch back!

new year is here!
its like SO fast lor.
1 year just passed like that!
remember last year i was at shanghai shopping like a crazy woman.
haha.and now.. everything's different

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