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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

choir choir choir.
haiz.sian man!
choir-ed the whole day
in the morning went to st joseph convent for choral exchange
our school sang out of tune
haha.everytime also like that one
during prac very nice then real performance/conpetition will out of tune

after that went back to school
had lunch.
during lunch the drink stall was super crowded
then weiyin went in to help the uncle
then after a while she went away cause she say she very hungry
so i went in and replaced her
super fun leh!
serving the people
haha.and i dont even know the price of the drinks!
i will ask them for the price cool! lol
and to reward me, uncle treat me drink
i rejected.but he just poured a cup of coke and push it into my hands
then i just drink lor.

choir started withe sectionals
super sian lah!
but had fun self entertaining
haha.then after combine for a while we watched videos
its last time de concert
super funny lah!they all looked so toot last time
and finally choir ended
2more such days to go!!
ohmygod.i can die

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