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Monday, March 26, 2007

today sucked
morning raining super heavily.
even walking under the shelter got the three(xinyi,wanleng and me) of us drenched.
haha.and i wasnt feeling well
headache, fever, sore throat, running nose, giddy, cold, hot
in the morning mrs tan see i not feeling well come and talk to me
i dont know why i started crying
useless me.
went to chem lab.
i brought my physics as well.
no wonder my bag like stone! super heavy
i thought what happened.
told mrs chua that i wanted to take the chem test
but she didnt allow me to take
she see see, touch touch, hear hear then say i not fit to take the test
blah! idiot. im like so behind time already
i just want to get it over and done with.
haiz.maths lesson i like cannot make it liao
head super pain lah
then recess went to find mr tony and i signed out
lala. slept like a pig!

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