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Sunday, March 18, 2007

went to airport to chiong homework with siuming and wenyong
weeting came later
wenyong was 35 minutes late!
siuming was 10 minutes late
im so punctual lor!!
and according to their theory,

okay whatever. im POLITE!
haha. so we made our way to changi airport
went to macdonald's
wenyong treat me drink.haha cause he late
i managed to finish emaths super fast
and i started to slack
heeheee. when it was abt 4, the manager chased us off
she said we were not supposed to study there and that the space were meant for the customers.
oh well, so we made our way to terminal 1 burger king cause there will not chase de
and we met weeting.
went to take the skytrain
and when waiting, there was this trolley for luggages
i stood on it and siuming pushed me
it was super fun lah.
and there were people there.they thought i was an idiot
haha. when i was coming down, my slippers got stuck in the trolley
and i fell on the floor!
OUCH. but i cant help but burst into laughter
the people there laughed too!
so bad!! it hurts man.

we made our way to burger king LAUGHING
and at burger king, we did minimum work
and started to play daidee.
haha. slack and slack
until weeting had to go

weeting went home while siuming, wenyong and i went to have dinner at century square
i watched them eat. and we talktalktalk
then walkwalk a while and tada! im home

ohman! holidays are OVER! fast lor.
and... tomorrow......
T-T i have to seat with him
what have i done to deserve THIS!

*theres a blueblack on my butt!
lesson learnt: i will never play with trolleys!
i will come down from trolleys PROPERLY

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