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Friday, May 25, 2007


Weeting; Hmmm. I guess so. You hope so too right. Haha.
Stephhanniie; Yesyes. I added you already right?
Geraldine; Shhhh! Can't you see an artist concentrating? Oh you are SO distracting me can. Hahah. I'm still working on my masterpiece. And I have decided not to ask Ms Sim. Cause I want it to be MY masterpiece. Very very original one. More original than those chickens in Kfc. -: ) :B

Today during spring cleaning was called out by Mrs Tan to help her run errands again. Climbed up and down and saw Mr Ow! Scary lor. Wanleng and I were sweating like siao lah. Super duper hot. Finally finished collecting all the edusave forms. Mrs Tan and Mr Neo returned the report books. Wanleng idiot got 3rd in class lah. Good lor! I got 9. Haha. Contented already(:

English: 60.5 B4
Chinese: 67.7 B3
Amaths: 51.8 C6
Emaths: 71.8 A2
Chemistry: 57.1 C5
Physics: 52 C6
Combined humanities: 52.8 C6

Class position: 9/38
Level position: 72/180

L1R4: 20
L1R5: 26

After school mum came. Talked to Mrs Tan. And then she said the same things. Ahshi wanleng and I always stick together. She said a lot of things that summarizes that I love to argue a lot. Yes, i agree with it. Haha. I told her I had to defend myself. She said that I did too much of defending myself. Fine. I shall shut up. (For 1 min.) She also talked about my attire. Blah lah. As usual, I defended myself. And every single year, my mum always say the same thing that doesnt make sense AT ALL. "She ar. At home never talk one leh. Must go and ask her ar, talk to her ar, then she will talk. If not she whole day won't talk one." AS IF! She's the first ever person to say so lah. Even Mrs Tan didn't believe that. Haha. Rubbish!! cheng he ti tong. LOL

After that supposed to go out with Weeting. But mum said that she was going to Singapore Post. And I wanted to go too. Cause I don't need to pay. Haha. So Weeting came along too. Blahblah. I'm so damn tired to elaborate

Weeting came to my place after that. And we, together with my sister, went swimming! Damn fun lah. We thought Weeting how to swim. And still still doesn't know how to lah. Hahaha.
Macdonals's called! They asked me to go for an interview. And I rejected lah.

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