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Monday, May 21, 2007

What a day. The results just keep coming. And I don't dare to look at them. Fuck midyears. I am so disappointed lah. I failed Physics. I failed Social Studies. Oww man. What should I do? What the hell lah. How stupid can I get? Well, I keep saying that I don't care. But a part of me inside feel like I such a retarded. Why can people like Leslie get 80 marks for Physics and me, I get almost half of his marks. Do I have only half of his brains? Haha. Maybe I shouldn't take results too seriously. The point is I learn from my mistakes. Haha. This sounds more Maggie right. Okay. Enough of my complains.

My stomach was aching like crazy today. I thought mum passed her stomach flu to me. But, I think mine wasn't to that extent lah. I just felt like a pregnant lady who is about to give birth already. Super pain can. Like someone stabbed me in my stomach.

I suddenly have this vision that I am going to die tomorrow. There's so many things I want to do before I die. All my ambitions. I have super many of them lah. Let me list them all down.

1. Teacher
I always imagine myself teaching a class of students. So annoying yet so lovable. And I get along with them so well. That they call me whenever they have worries. And I'm the perfect person they turn to whenever anything crops up. We go shopping together. They sa jiao to me to gt more marks for their midyears just to pass. In their group study sessions I'm always invited. And during occasions like Chinese New Year or Christmas, I will invite them over to my place and we all will have a crazy party. How cool can that be?

2. Make up artist
All the married couples, they all have to come to me before they can get married beautifully. Putting make up on women will make them so perfect. Covering all their pimples or wrinkles. Women will get very happy whenever they are beautiful. And that's what I want. I want to see people smiling happily. I want to make people happy. I want them to smile until their teeths rot in their gorgeous wedding gowns. I want them to remember that moment forever.

3. Piano teacher
And I mean only those that teach small small cute cute boys and girls. It's really nice to see those small and naive children trying to make music out of an oh-so-wonderful insrument. It's touching to see those children know from nothing to something. It's nice to see them walking towards you saying "thank you teacher" at the end of the lesson. HOW CUTE!! And I will feel fucking contented lah.

4. Professional Manicurist
Those beautiful nails that Jolin Tsai has. I want to do those. Owning them is not enough. I want to know how to make nails so beautiful. From a pink and white surface to a colourful jewel-ful nail. They make fingers so sexy lah. And if I can ever make them, how wonderful can that be?

5. Hairdresser
My aunt is a hairdresser. And everytime she highlights my mum's hair, I'll be so fascinated seeing her mixing the chemicals here and there. And I want to cut out amazing hairstyles like those in Magicians of love. Haha

6. Air stewardess
I want to be an air stewardess! You don't have to just sit down with your seat belts on in airplanes. You can walk about in cool clothes asking people if they need anything. You can give small kids toys. And they'll be super happy lah. But, I know I'm too short. ):

There are so many more. But I'm so lazy to name them all out 1 by 1. But if I really die tomorrow, I want to thank everyone in my life. Especially my family and my girlfriends. Thanks for making me the Maggielim I am today. And, sorry for the trouble I've caused. Haha.

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