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Thursday, November 02, 2006

im back frm the student leader camp!
it was really torturing!
really glad that its over.

assembled and were assigned into grps.
there are 10 grps altogether and im in grp 10
group members- me, weixin, yanpeng, xiaoxuan, zhaoxuan, shuan, nikhil
i find my grp quite okay
at least dont have the pple that i dont like.haha
my grp's facilitator was peifen, weiquan and kok peng
hmm.played ice breaker games(SIAN!)
wacko was fun.haha.
we sabo-ed peifen and her reaction was really funny!
lol.after that had workshops
first is ms chia's workshop
hmm.we had to "buy" items to cross frm 1 side to another.
my grp was slow and we were only left with chairs.
we couldnt go over.
so we had to use other grp's leftover
then it was lunch time.
lunch was like shit!
all spicy stuff.
i asked whether i can take the vegetarian de cause there were no vegetarians
then mr halim said cannot.
like shit la.

after that we had to thinkk of grp name and grp cheer.
grp name; 10nova
and this is our flag.

hey u listen up!
10nove 10nova
we are the best!
10nova 10nova
we gonna kick ur ass.
ooo 10nova!!!


next was m halim's workshop abt piblic speaking.

then we played games.
blah! water bomb was nice!

hmm.then checked the tents for the next day.
my grp had lots of problems with it
so we had a new one!

at night, we had pt(physical training)
it wasnt expected la.
the bastard ng conducted it.
he said we didnt have a sense of urgency
he made us do push up position for abt 20-30 mins i supposed
then asked grp by grp to run the feild 1 round.
i was at grp 10. almost died!
lol.after that then i realised that can do girls position.
wtf! lol.
i was injured la.wadever.
bastard ng sucks

after dinner we played games.
the skatebords were dismantled and we had to use the points we received when plying the games previously to buy the things needed and fix it back
then 1 of the grp members had to roll it ot the ending point
my grp was the first!! lala

we slept in classrooms at 4 floor.
so creepy!
bathed with nisa, weeting and aisya(dont noe hw to spell)
then went to slp.
weeting gt caught by bastard ng for using phone.
bt she was setting alarm
lucky for her
cause she was actually sms-ing b4 setting alarm

went to sentosa for amazing race
we had to carry our bags, sleeping bags and tents along.
like wtf!
they gt us to walk frm here to there and frm there to here!
so far! and we were super tired and restless when reaching the end.
haiz.really really tired.
im really lazy to elaborate.
at night went to east coast park to camp
pitched the tent and slept immediately when i lied on the sleeping bag.
lol.was really super tired

woke up when i heard weeting frm the other tent asking yanpeng
"ehh maggie wake up already?"
then i immediately jumped up.
lol.dont noe y.
hmm.had pt agn.
bt this time it was carried out by disgusting act cool students leader
like he*di and fion*
they like shit la.
then after that we had beach activities
it was realy fun!
especially the mr halim's

finally the camp is over!!
i miss my bed!!
and my whole body is aching like wad
my face is super duper sunburnt!

see the colour diff anot?
wa lau.then weizhou said i look like i put makeup.
like which idiot will put until like this.

i start to miss the camp already anyway.
i start to feel weird nt seeing weeting and hearing her voice once i wake up.

after the camp went to class gathering
im the satay mei.haha
and minhui is the otah mei
xiao xuan is the turner.
hmm.had fun la.
bt we all forgot abt the kiss part.
we are supposed to kiss each other on the cheeks
for girls only lahh.
i was super tired.
was thinking of using the comp bt went to slp immediately after bathing.
with my hair wet
cant be bothered anymore.

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