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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

im like so busy these few days
but im thinking of what im busy with
and i cant think of any just wasting time everyday

theres a trainee teacher for english and ss
i dont know why but i just dont like her
mrs tan is so much better can!
and i kinda prefer mrs cross to her too
she's like so sian
and when she talks, she gives me an urge to smack her face hard
lol.hope that she leaves asap
i feel weird lah.cause she didnt do anything to make me dislike her
but i just have a feeling that shes not a very nice and friendly teacher.
perhaps im being too sensitive.

after school went to xinyi's house with wanleng and weeting
well, we did work!
did alot of maths question until i want to baboom!
haha.and we had fun too!
preparing for "nerdy day"!
lol.quite disappointed though.
cause u all were so buay on!!
not fun de!!
haha.anyway, had fun at her house lah

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