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Monday, March 05, 2007

school was okay
got back amaths and chinese test.
was happy with both results
at least contented lah. that i didnt fail

choir wasnt that sian
mslye arranged the standing/seating arrangement.
im finally promoted to the second row!!!
well, because of my height(T-T), for the past 3 years, i having been stuck in the first row
and then, today i got to the second row and wanleng and xinhui beside me!
sang the songs over and over.
but its quite obvious that we had improve alot

the holidays are nearing but i think that there will be any diff lah
cause almost everyday got choir
sian man!! stuck in choir.
): nevermind. if life gives u lemon, make lemonade!
haha.i'll force myself to have fun in choir.
this means more of my self-entertaining *winks*
wanleng beware, u maybe will bei wo fan si!!

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