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Friday, March 02, 2007

it has been raining these 2 days.
and i managed to get a little sleep.
the temperature is like 0degrees to me
im shivering nonstop
should have brought a jacket along.

the day was alright.
EXCEPT that there was spot check for girls this morning
heng the teacher who check 3e5 only check hair
heng never kena msjiangthatbitch

EXCEPT that yiyan took hid my specs
and i thought it was lost.
then i asked him if he took
he said didnt.
i freaked out leh.
so many things happening already
if i still add on to the problem, i dont know what to do!
at last i asked jiewei and he said yiyan take
-.-'''. scare me to death lah!

EXCEPT that we were accused for what we did not do
u dont have the rights to accuse us lor.
like what if u are stressed?
u cannot just vent your anger on anyone de lor
learn to control your anger if u know that u are stressed lah
its not like theres nothing u can do excpet whining
and just vent your anger on anyone whenever u have the chance

EXCEPT that the weather made the exhausted me want to fall asleep
but i cant.its really difficult to open my eyes whenever im not occupied.
but when i do things, it gets better lah

anyway, im satisfied with my common tests results.
i didnt really study but still manage to do okay
(i "topped".haha my wish lah)
i think i very tyco lah.
perhaps thats what it mean by when every bad thing happens to u, good things will start happening.
i dont know and i hope thats true.
even falling asleep during physics test can give me a score like this?
even those i was half asleep and anyhow filling in the answers during chem test i still can score like this?

i think that im slowly getting used to everything
and i think that i am adapting to all these unlucky events that are happening to me
so, i think that the next time when things happen,
i will not look at it as if i cant do anything
but look at it as maggielimmeiqi can do anything and everything in the world

i did it, but i know that theres more to come
jiayou!! (:

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