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Thursday, March 22, 2007

reached home at about 3.30am yesterday
was super duper tired lah

today pon tank-ed
but i didnt manage to get enough sleep
slept at about 4am and woke up at 11am
7 hours only.and the day before this i only managed to sleep for 3 hours
my eye bags and dark eye circles.
i suddenly feel like a panda
and i know how pandas feel

woke up this morning feeling awful
felt giddy, my whole body is aching and my throat super pain
and my mouth hurts too. i have more than 2 ulcers
changed and went to ahma house
went for lunch. i expected myself to feel better
but its the opposite. i felt worst
my head starts to hurt like theres an earthquake in my skull
tried to rest a while but after like 30 minutes i cant take it anymore
i went up to ahma house to take panadol
when i come down, i wanted to help with the folding of the yuan baos
but my hands were strength-less and i felt so giddy
i suddenly felt like my hands were not mine
i rested on the table and mum came and touched my forehead.
she said that i have fever
i knew it. i could feel it from the morning.
just that i wasnt confirmed
she sent me home, which explains why im here now

im all alone at home. and im supposed to get some sleep
but i just cant! i dont know why
took temperature. 38.1 degrees.
then i started crying
i feel so disgusted and i felt that im the most useless person in the whole world
how the hell can i fall sick at this point of time
today is the last day of the funeral. tmr ahgong will be gone
the thought of it makes my eyes water
T-T. someone stop it for me please. turn off the running tap in my eyes
ohwell, my hands are like jelly and my head.
im feeling terrible. physically and mentally

ahgong stop sleeping please.
stop playing with me. wake up wake up
i promise to be the most obedient girl
as long as u wake up, i dont mind doing anything
i'll be less selfish, be more understanding, be a kinder person
tell me what u want me to do! i'll do anything!
i miss u so much. dont leave me)))))))):

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