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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

the day started off well with ms cheng announcing to the school that coir acheieved a gold.
we all screamed.
then, choir members had to go to the canteen after assembly.
mrs chua talked to us.
we keep screaming and screaming.
nothing can stop us lah. we were all happy like siao!
i still cant believe it.
last night i cant even sleep.
i just keep thinking of the scene when they announced that we got a gold.
we all were stunned and then we started cheering.
i kept on laughing.
i must have looked like an idiot.
but that caused me to be exhausted today.
in the morning was energetic! but later on i had no more energy lah.

today was the very first time all of us went home immediately after school.
haha. surprised?
i went to see ahgong before going back.
i thanked him for blessing me with a gold.
and in return, i promised him that i will study hard and get good grades for midyear
and i WILL. i dont give emptypromises.
so, if u see me studying hard these few days, dont be too surprised(:
i want to buck up!
especially those subjects that im weak in.

im disappointed. very disappointed.
i thought that u will change
i thought that telling you your problem will make things better.
but, after a while, you are back to square one again
i felt so angry at first.
but later on, i felt more sad than angry.
im sick and tired of you treating me like this.
why is it that you are like that everytime.
u just dont seem to know how it feels.
is it because no one has done that to you?
and its not only me complaining to you that you have such irritating problems
others noticed it too.
last time u will always apologise.

sorry = promise not to do it again.
so even your apology was an empty promise?

i always believed whatever you say.
but you keep making me feel like i shouldnt put your words in my heart
like whatever u say is not trustable. and i should not take them seriously.
if thats what u want me to do, tell me!
then i dont have to be suffer so much believing whatever u promised, then later on realising that u were not going to do as promised.
life's like that, we shouldnt put 100% trust in someone.
but, thanks to you, i learnt a lesson.
i learnt how irritating empty promises are.
and i promise to NEVER make empty promises.

i dont hate you. i hate empty promises.

please, for goodness sake, do something about it

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