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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ohmygod. i cant believe it.
i really cannot!
the performance was a disappointment.
we all expected a silver AGAIN lah
i didnt dare to think too much

in the morning i came just on time
they said that we needed to run 2 rounds around the parade square
so we went to run lor.
then, we carried on with sectionals warm ups
anna started off with scales
i started singing. which is when i found that i cant even sing!
do re me fa so la ti do. at ti my voice is cracking already
i was so afraid. so worried that i cant sing later on
cause i was having a sore throat.
i was so scared. tears filled my eyes.
i kept trying to sing. but none of my trys succeeded.
super stressed out and didnt know what to do.
but later on, i learnt that it was because my voice hasnt "opened" yet
first time like that. super terrified.

practised in choir room. it wasnt as good as what we expected
we were all super scared. and didnt have confidence at all!
made our way to victoria concert hall.
and practised at tuning room.
it was PERFECT. then all the confidence came back!

at the actual judging, everyone was super nervous.
i could feel my lips shivering like crazy
and i smiled alot too!
haha. we didnt perform to our best standards.
was super disappointed after the judging.
and almost cried too lah

after school went to listen to the results together with:
weiyin, yingying, sijie, benny, anna, melissa, camillie, yanting, weeting, shiyun, tanwanleng, mrschua and mdmyue.
"pasir ris secondary school... GOLD"
we all screamed like crazy!
then tears just came down lah.
so happy can!! seriously, i cant describe the happiness man.

we went out of vch, took pictures, sang school song, and also, screamed
my throat so pain now.
haha.called mslye to thank her.
she did alot for us. she really pushed us alot.

i feel a huge burden down my chest.
like.. finally something is going right in my life.
i must go thank ahgong.
i know you will always be watching over me(:
the next big thing will be the midyears already.
i shall start studying hopefully.
jiayou everyone(:

I'm so happy i keep smiling to myself.
now, i can proudly say that I AM IN A GOLD CHOIR!

can happiness be measured? Im the happiest person on earth!

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