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Friday, April 27, 2007

English paper today. I thought paper 1 was kind of gone case. Cause i was feeling super tired. I wrote a few words and then went to sleep. Then i will wake up in shock, thinking that theres no time left. I dont know why I'm feeling so tired. I keep on slapping myself to make me feel more awake. The more i write, the more tired i get. I'm not going to do well in paper 1 lah.

Paper 2 was a lot better. During the break crapped alot, which woke me up. Haha. And i felt that it was quite easy. I didnt finish writing my summary. So, i handed in the super untidy one. Whatever lah. At least i did. But my hands were aching cause i wrote too fast. Wasted. Write so much in the end also never hand in. In the end i crushed it and it ended up in the rubbish bin

Syahirul was walking around the class collecting those crushed paper balls. He stopped at my table, placed the dustbin on my table and pushed all the paper down so that more can be placed inside. When he finished, he walked away. Then, i realised that he put the dustbin ON TOP OF my spectacles. My specs got scratch now lah.

After exam went to eat with weeting, tanwanleng and ahshi. Then went home. Was so tired. But i just cant sleep

It started raining so heavily that even closing the windows caused me to be drenched. I'm not exaggerating. And the lightning and thunder were scary lah.

I want to study
I have to study
I need to study
But, i dont have the motivation to move the lazy body of mine.
Ahhh. I'm starting to hate myself for being so lazy):
I feel like I'm rotting.

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