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Friday, April 06, 2007

ever since i changed my principle in life to:
spending money was like drinking water to me.
especially these few days.
i was shopping and buying stuff like a crazy woman cupboard is full of plastic bags
inside are all the new clothes that i bought
my mum is so gonna kill me if she finds out.
i remember her saying: "u better dont buy anymore clothes ar!"
that time before chinese new year when she was doing spring cleaning
OPPS! haha.anyway, i was REALLY happy buying all those stuffs
really really really happy.
never been so happy before
that tempted me to buy more! so addicted to shopping
i cant stop.maybe the only way to stop is when i run out of money
i dont want that day to come!
but seriously, im losing control of myself.
whenever i see something that i like or even looks nice, i'll buy it
shirts, shorts, shoes, necklace and more!

i cant resist it!!!!!!

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