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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

i was so happy to hear from wanleng that we need not attend morning assembly yesterday night
but, it was all a dream afterall
we were supposed to go down in the end
and tada! spot check.
gosh. i was so lucky that i wasnt caught.
phew! it was really scary lah

after morning assembly went to vch immediately
on the bus we sang through the pieces
they were out of tune until make all my goosebumps stand lor
yingying never even give first note then expect us to sing in tune
haha. hilarious.
reached there quite earlier then had sectionals for a while
when it was 9, went in and then practise practise practise
went back to school after that

class was super empty
and mr neo taught so many things already
i was so tired that i started sleeping
haha. then the sl and participants need to go for sports heats
wanleng and i went too.
i cant believe it lah.
haha. i feel like a pai kia
went to macdonalds to meet ilyas they all
crapped alot.
then went to bedok stadium to watch the heats while waiting for weeting lah
i applied green nail polish for siuming and ilyas
funny sia. ugly like hell!

after that went to mac and talk talk talk
super crap lah.
the 222 fantasy.haha

ohmygod! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!

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