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Friday, April 13, 2007

yes, this very very unlucky day.
in the morning, tanwanleng got caught by mr ow.
yeah, the same thing again.
not tucking in shirt.
he asked her to go look for him later
wanleng was super terrified lah.
she was so scared that she had to stand at the ramp beside mr ow during morning assembly
i was her knight and shiny armour!
i said i'll go up with her!
im such a brave girl man.cant stand myself
haha. ANYWAY, mr ow was scary lah
"i dont want to waste our time. if the next time i see your shirt out and your socks like that again, you will stand here during morning assembly. get it?"
with his oh-so-scary stare
on the way down the ramp, tanwanleng started crying
and i burst into laughter! super funny lah
but if i were her, i'd probably be in tears also lah

school was quite fun.
changing seats and crapping with tanwanleng nonstop
these days our nonsense gets more and more!
we keep singing choir songs in class
i find it addictive lah. and fun also!
and, we started the "ke yi mah" 1 high 1 low.
and today! we talked at the same time
so, lame tanwanleng suggested that we say what we want to say together
AND! we have to know what each other say
super hilarious lah.
we both laughed like crazy

after school went to long john silvers to eat with weeting, camillie, ah shi, yanting and tanwanleng.
had fun crapping lah.
tanwanleng dropped her comb there! and she didnt know
wahahaha! when we finished eating it started raining so heavily
we rain under the rain.
super fun man! and i kept saying the "ma lu ru hu kou" thing
we all laughed like siao!
ah shi and weeting zhuan sheng li kai
while tanwanleng, yanting, camillie and i went back to school for choir

saw mr ow near the traffic light there.
we all started to tuck in our shirts.
scary sia! heng i got GOOD EYESIGHT(:

went to choir late and got scolded by weiyin
heehee.paiseh ar!
was super tired lah.
then got excited when i started to crap with tanwanleng again.
miss fu and her "catwalk" thing wasnt threatening at all
to me, it sounds quite retarded.
she likes people walking or singing on TABLES
i dont get it! whats so..... threatening about tables?
we dont have phobias of tables!
joker sia. haha

insomnia, i know im cute(:
i beg you ):

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