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Thursday, April 12, 2007

went to old changi hospital yesterday
weeting and i were practically the food for the countless mosquitoes there
cause we were wearing school skirts
and the guys were making us jealous with their LONG PANTS
eeediot man. more than 15 mosquitoe bites
i look like i have some kind of disease lor

och was creepy
seriously.i dont know whether im thinking too much or what i saw and heard was the truth
i dont want to think of it lah.
everything just so... freaky!

we left first cause weeting had to do her dnt
i helped her till 2am.
what a good person i am!

today was super tired lah.
since last week i have been sleeping like 2-4 hours per day
i just cant sleep lah
dont know what is wrong with me
stupid body.
and during chem lesson, the same thing happened
the sudden giddiness and numbness
it came back.i hurry popped the medicine into my throat
and i felt better after like 15 to 20 mins.

oh yar! it was raining super heavily
and even when the windows are closed, the rain still comes in!
it was so cool! like it was raining INSIDE the class
but everything was wet lah. haha
heavy rain, lightning, thunder

heavy rain reminds me of him
i miss you, holding an umbrella under the rain waiting for me

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