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Sunday, April 08, 2007

happy birthday to me!


the very very very special woman in my life. we share everything. although there were setbacks, we both been through it together. and, our friendship will never end regardless of what. you are such a nice friend. and i really wish that we can be best friends forever and ever. we both are taitai-wannabes. thanks babe. although u cant celebrate my brithday with me, i can feel your presence lah.haha. mentally (:

you two are the pieces of puzzles that complete my life. my toilet mates. and we are the so-called powerpuff girls. always together.i enjoy myself when i am with u both. and i definitely feel very comfortable sharing my feelings with u both. u are the angels that light up my life. and remember the sotong family? haha. we three sotongs. (the "its-recess!" incident.LOL). thanks for making my birthday so wonderful. the bowling, the arcade, the jacuzzi and the seoul garden. LOVE YOU BOTH! and the earrings were cute!

you two acknowledge yourselves as the 2 guys that treats us the "best". lol. bu yao lian. opps! haha. okay lah. thankyou for making my birthday such a memorable one. and tolerating my childish actions. i know that i may be very qian bian at times. sorry for the trouble i caused. and..i cant garantee that there is no more qian bian things that i will do or say. anyway, THANK YOU for making my birthday a special one (:

yuinhwei; baolin; blven; yanting; janus; leslie; tiffany; xiaoxuan; qiumei; megan; weiyin; huaihui; jiaqi; benjamin; melissa; corrina; camillie; farhan; hisyam; clarissa; kexin; anna; xinyue; wendy; meishan; minhui; geraldine; bobby; serena; wanlin; benson; audrey; ziying; lynn; natasha; hazwani; vivien; aunty lady; ahpeng shushu; samsam; mic; zhuki; jiujiu
*im sorry if i missed your name out

thank you for making my life so wonderful.
brightening my life up.
i know i may be very irritating at times
im sorry for everything that i did wrongly.
anyway, thanks for making my birthday such a remarkable one
i love you guys
you guys rock my life(:

its a new year for me.
i've turn 15(reluctantly)
yes, i will TRY MY BEST to act like my age
to be more matured and less qian bian

i'll be a better person, less selfish and more understanding
i'll treat everyone better and try to make everyone happy
i'll be a braver person
i'll be stronger physically and mentally
i'll slim down more
i'll TRY MY BEST to not spend so much money
i'll TRY MY BEST to concentrate more on my studies
i'll be less lazy and try to do all my homework MYSELF
i'll be a happier person(im very happy already.haha)
i'll stop giving empty promises
i'll remember everything i said
i'll not lie when its unnessary
in other words, i'll try to be the best i can be!

thankyou everyone(:

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