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Friday, April 20, 2007

wahaha.shiok! no need to study
i was late. but i managed to sneak in without mr ow's attention
this year was the VERY first time tanwanleng and i had our butts stuck into the floor
we were too lazy to even go and buy food to eat
we didnt move for more than 2 hours
and my butt really hurts.
lol. listened to music, read magazines and chit chatted
ahshi came over to leopard side
mr neo really surprised me
he actually ran faster than mr ow!
and i thought he was just boasting about him running very fast
i was wrong, so wrong!

after sports day ahshi tanwanleng and i went to pastamania
we were starving man!
and time passed super fast!
we were supposed to shop a while before leaving
but when we finished eating, it was already 1
tanwanleng and i had to go for choir prac

the school was super empty.
choir practise was okay
but everyone was very sleepy
went to sing in the canteen
i think it sounded very nice(:
mrs chua says so too!
mrs chua gave everyone bookmarks

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