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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Went to Shiyun's house to study with Siuming.
Well, was actually quite surprised that we really DID study.
There were a few times when the whole room was totally quiet.
Because we all were STUDYING!
Haha. Cool right?
But after a while, we started to get curious with Shiyun's cello.
We played with the tuner and i learnt how to play the first line of "twinkle twinkle little star"
Talked quite a lot, which made my goosebumps stand a lot.
The more i think of it, the more disgusted i get.
Then, Shiyun gave us Haagendaz icecream!
Super yummy can! I WANT MORE XD
Im getting fatter by second. haha.
But i dont care much. I just cant resist food lah nowadays

When Siuming went into the toilet, Shiyun and i were waiting outside wanting to scare him. I scared him! first time i successfully scared a person(:
he really jumped lah.
then we burst into laughter.
Shiyun's brother came back from tampines mall
he was super rich. he bought a tamagotchi for her.
cool.i hope i have a brother like him.

suddenly, shiyun's dad came back
we all panicked!
took all the stuffs that they bought and went ran upstairs
shiyun opened the cupboard and stuffed everything in
i also stuffed but she didnt notice
so, she ust closed the cupboard!
and my hand was still there. OUCH

had dinner at her place.
we all ate wanton noodles.
mine was the only one without chilli.
they all kept complaining that it was super spicy
so, i tried. ohmygod
it was REALLY spicy lah.
my lips were like numb after eating.
thank goodness mine was without chilli.

after dinner played with darren's bike
it was super tall.
when i stand beside it, its at around my waist there.
i tried to get on it, but i only got my leg cut ):
nevermind. we all went to the playground
siuming really resembles an orang utan.
lol. he was like swinging here and there on the monkey bar
haha. and i climbed ON TOP of the monkey bar.
it was quite scary. but i still climbed.

slacked a while more before we went home
the bus siuming and i took was like so watery
everywhere was leaking.

had fun today(:

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