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Sunday, May 13, 2007

At my rate of spending, I think there's reallyREALLYREALLYREALLY a need to work lah.

Yoshinoya: $3.30/hour
Damn little right? But I heard that there is less work to do compared to other fast food restaurants. Cause it's less popular. And less people go there.

Macdonald's: $3.80/hour
Very little also. But at least more than Yoshinoya. But Wanleng and Michelle said that the work load is a lot. And we have to start by clearing tables. Also, alot of people go there. So, I dont think there is a point of time when we can sit down and slack.

At first tanwanleng told me that her mum didn't allow her to work. I was quite disappointed. And kind of give up on working lah. Then I continued shopping and I realise that there ain't anymore notes in my wallet. And I'm in debt. I owe Ahshi 10 bucks and tanwanleng $2.50. I'm going shopping with crazy woman tomorrow and Ahshi and wanleng on tuesday. Surely, I will be pathetic enough to stand outside of shops looking so hard at those beautiful clothes hung in there, hoping I have some special powers to sense them out into my bag.

Anyway, I keep having super weird dreams nowadays. Like yesterday, I dreamt that I had this small chicken which I don't know where I get it from. And then it's stomach seems to be bulging out. And I was so curious. I went to squeeze its neck and pushed it down. An egg came out from its tail. Suddenly Ahshi came into the picture. She keep throwing the egg towards my face. And I got so angry cause I felt that the egg was so dirty and she kept throwing at me despite the numerous times I asked her to stop. And then, she bite off the head of the egg and started pouring all the yoke on me! Ewwww.

Damn hilarious right? Haha

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