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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It feels like everything has ended. But it's just the beginning of mugging. There's still so much things to cover. And everyone just feel like slacking time away lah. Yes, Chemistry and Physics lessons today. Although I feel very sian to have lessons so soon after the exams, I can't help but sympathise with the teachers too. And I feel that sometimes we are a bit harsh on them too. It's not like they like to have extra lessons too. Like what MrsChua said, she does everything and it's us who gets the benefits. Ms Cheng doesn't praise her, she won't get a pay rise. And when we don't do well, we often put the blame on the teachers but actually, the true reason lies in us! We are bloody lazy to revise. And when they teach, we don't listen. I just feel a little bad cause I am sometimes rebellious during their lessons too. =x
Teachers are poor thing.

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