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Thursday, May 24, 2007


Geraldine: LOL. I guess Ms Sim will be happy to help! Hahah. And please, YOU?! Ask you might as well ask the wall! Wahahahah! Great great great great great grandma!
Vivien: Hello JIE! Hahah. I thought I tagged at your blog? Or maybe I forgotten. Hahah. So sorry! You take care too(: LOVES!
Weeting: Soon soon soon! Last few pages already. Lalala!
Tiffany: Hahah. They really are. Plus their salary doesnt seem good too. I don't think I have a closet filled with clothes. My greatest wish is to have a walk-in closet! One day it WILL come true! Haha.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before school holidays. I guess I won't be working afterall. Yoshinoya hasn't called me yet. And even if they do, I may reject too. Cause I feel that holidays are quite filled with activities already. Extra lessons, camps and blah.

Tomorrow is parent teacher conference. Hope teacher say all the good things. I know they will. Come on, what bad things do teachers have to say about a cute, kind, generous, selfless, intelligent, clever and more girl! LOL. Okay, ignore me.


& Finally, you realised.
I was fucking sad and disappointed can. I don't give a fucking damn about what everyone else thinks. But even you feel that way, I have nothing left to say):

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