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Monday, May 14, 2007

Okay, we went to school without a purpose. After morning assembly, we were told that the English Listening Comprehension was cancelled. For the other Sec3 classes, it's okay. Cause they have a paper after the listening comprehension afterall. But, for 3e5, we don't have any paper after that! Its a total waste of time lah. We woke up so early, and come to school. And all we got is "It's cancelled" Like what the hell. But had fun slacking all the way lah. Reminded me of that time after PSLE. We all did nothing but slack and slack. Haha

When we were released, Ahshi suggested that we wait for Weeting. She has her Dnt paper to do. And so, we did. She kept complaining about being super sian. But it was SHE that suggest we wait for Weeting. So funny leh. But it was indeed super sian. We had nothing to do. We took stupid pictures and I taught Wanleng the "zhong guo hua" rap which she took so long to learn.

Finally, Weeting was released. We went up to the locker to change into slippers. Saw Mr teo pat on the way. And he was like "Where's your sisters?(ahshi and wanleng. cause he keep seeing us together) I said "Oh, they went home already" He replied "Waa. First time see you 3 not together. Something must be wrong" Haha.

Weeting and I made our way to Parkway. I tried a way that Corrina taught me. On the bus, I set a budget. I decided to spend only $15 today. And I was so determined about it. Until we went to Dorothy Perkins. And I saw this shirt that is really beautiful. 3 for 33 bucks. Weeting bought 1, and I bought 2. T-T And I don't even have a cent left. I'm still going out tomorrow! See why I need a job!? But it's really beautiful lah! And I think it's worth it.

And then went to cut hair. ):

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