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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life is so unpredictable and fragile. It's just shocking how people come and go la. I'll have to start to cherish everyone. I can't bear to imagine if everyone dies tomorrow. She was a pleasant girl and she was really blessed with good looks. And her hair, was so beautiful and shiny. It's really shocking to hear the death of hers and to read the article on the newspaper. Everyone must be very sad. Although I'm not very close with her, I wish she rests in peace.

To me, the word 'die' is just a word like "byebye!" and you will get to see the person again tomorrow. Cause I watched too much TV & last time I havent really experience the death of people closer to me. So, if you tell me that ABC died, I may joke around for a while then after like 3 to 4 mins realise that he/she will be gone forever. Till this year, my dearest grandfather ended his sufferings. I then realise, how scary death is. & I wonder where everybody goes when they are dead.

And if I die tomorrow too, I want to thank all my friends and my family. & sorry for be being such a nuisance. I love you

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