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Monday, June 04, 2007

YAAAAAAAAAAY! :D I made my very first blogskin! It took me 2 days to finish this super simple blogskin. But it was fun la. Adjusting here and there. I think I pressed the "preview" button for more than a thousand times. Haha. I'm so contented now(:

I love green very very much! But I thought that this skin is TOOO greeny already. Cause even the tagboard is green! Anyway, green is good for your eyes! So if you feel tired, come to my blog and stare at the background. I hope your eyesight will improve/deprove. HAHA

Acapella today. Sang and sang. Mr Ow had nothing to do today. So he came to school to catch people. Please la. Nothing to do stay at home sleep your ass off can! You are scary la! Heng my mum fetch me! And somebody(example Geraldine) is jealous of me! Hahaha. Cause she got caught! Opps! XD
I finally remembered to rip Wanleng's feilunhai's cd after like, 2 weeks? Haha. And today I returned it to her. And I suddenly feel like looking at the lyrics book again. So, I opened up the cd cover and realised the cd is not inside! Then I realised that the cd is still inside my computer! OH HOW FORGETFUL! lol! Sorry Wanleng!

Went shopping with mummy just now and I met Baohui! She haven't changed a bit! And I really miss her la. She is the most slack de senior I ever had! Hahah(:


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