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Monday, October 23, 2006

well, cough, cough and more cough!!
im seriously tired of the coughing non-stop.
and the stubborn sneeze.
stupid.always dont wanna come out.
and my nose is like so itchy!bt i cant do anything abt it!

i had insomnia ytd night agn.
oh well,didnt feel tired as usual.
bt this time, time passed real quickly.
it feels like 1 min just passed bt when i look at my watch, 1 hr has passed.

this morning yeye fetched me and my sis to school.
he took the long way bt wadever la.
in the car he asked us whether we had breakfast.
lol.actually we didnt bt we said we did.
white lies =))
and when he asked wad we ate last night,
we told him that we went to buy noodles
bt we ate instant noodles.
another white lie!!

first we had the silat thingy.
it was really tiring and VIOLENT.
are they teaching wrestling or wad?
is like push the person on the floor and then step on his/her face.
teach us how to fight only.
lol.ohh yar.its for self defence.
bt i think even if i met a rapist, i wouldnt have the strength to push him on the ground.
i think the thing i will do and think of is to kick his "nc16" hard!
im EVIL!
anyways, it was really tiring and i sweated alot.

after recess had the fold paper crane thingy.
it was FUN teaching those naughty bt funny sec1s
they started calling me jiejie
and one of the guys was like so cute lor.
the way he call jiejie like so innocent.
bt he was irritating and funny!!
i dont noe how to describe.
bt xinyi see him bu shuang.
haha.i felt like laughing when she started arguing with him
had fun today la.haha

school ended at 12.early!
haha.went to kfc with xuewei,xinyi,wanleng and mengjiao
ate and talked.
haha.had fun.
if only the coughing stopped at that time.
bt, xuewei folded me a crane and said "get well soon"
to me.touched!
i still have the crane in my pocket now.

after lunch waited bus with xinyi
and then i missed my bus.
haiz.waited for very long.

on the bus, theres this big-sized girl(student) who came up
her bag was like super duper heavy
and on her way to the seat she was eyeing for, she dropped her bag.
"BAAANNNNGGG" im exaggerating
haha.and then she started scolding vulgar language. scary??
i was reading seventeen and i missed my stop.
damn!time passed so fast

and im gng to sec3 already!!
gt a peek at my overall scores for this yr
2 a1, 2 a2, 3 b3, 0 b4, 3 c5
i think.vr lan!!
and my class position is 23
level: 47
DAMN LAN LOR!!!!! i dont care la.haha!


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