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Friday, November 24, 2006

went to pasir ris crest sec for choral exchange thingy
we sang terribly.super duper lan
we stopped halfway. and it was out of tune
was super embarrassing lah.
ms lye was like she dont even wanna aknowledge us as her choir lah
everyone in the i-dont-noe-what-to-say-cause-im-so-embarrassed mood.
haha.but after our performance, slacked throughout the whole thing
heehee.talked,crapped,drew, lol!

after that had lunch and chua(weeting) came to my hse to watch dvd.
haiz.sian day!!

have some problems with viewing my tagboard.
so i shall reply to the tags here:

wanleng and weeting; i really dont noe what u talking abt its alien language.

mel; u idiot lah! make me wait so long. until i lazy to upload.haha

tiff; errrrmmmm. dots!! u r embarrassing!! haha.jkjk bags? what bags?

bernice; yupps! it was fun.but tiring lah. cause have to wake up so early.

wanleng; agree that tiff vr lame

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