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Monday, April 30, 2007

There's no sunrise today due to bad weather. Saddening.

Chinese paper 1. Erm, okay I think. Not that difficult to handle. I was so tired. I slept without even realising. And then the teacher came and wake me up. Haha.

Social Studies! Mygod. I'm dead for sure lah. Never mind, I'm prepared. I was staring into space, trying to kill 1 fly and sleeping the whole time. Everyone was busy writing and I was sleeping. I don't get it lor. Where the hell they get so many things to write! Source based questions are totally useless. It's 6 marks and I can only write 1 freaking sentence. Everyone's paper was full of words while mine, there's a lot of spacing.

The teacher who gave out the paper was kind of retarded. He gave out the fullscap paper first. He gave one by one. So, i was telling Serena although he ws quite near, "How long will he take to finish giving out everything?" She laughed and say "huh? What u say?" Purposely. Haha. And when the teacher was near enough to hear me, I said "huh, you say how long will he take to finish giving out ar?" LOL. And she gave me this u-eeediot! stare.

During the test i start to feel a sharp pain in my chest and stomach. I don't know why. And then I felt like vomiting. After the test I felt even worst. Felt like my heart wants to come out from my mouth. They all said i looked like a ghost. Very very pale. And i really felt like fainting. Tanwanleng keep asking me not to faint. I only smiled at her. I don't have strength to crap with her. I think it's super obvious to see whether I'm okay or not. If I'm crapping non-stop, means I'm okay. But if i shut up and dont talk, they will start asking me if I'm okay. Lol. Okay, I admit that I'm noisy.

Lunched at Kfc.After lunch, or perhaps during, I felt ALOT better. They said my face was SUPER red. And even matchmake me. Lol. Whatever. Then wanleng's face turned red suddenly. So, it's my turn to match make her! I gave her a very "sexy" one! So gou peng you.

But, after lunch, I became a ghost again. What the hell is wrong with me man!

Wanted to watch 200 pounds beauty de. But, Princess don't have. Dont know why. Wanleng's mum allowed her to watch. Haha. So nan de. It's exam period some more. But, perhaps we dont have yuan fen with the show. I'm gonna watch it on youtube!

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