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Monday, April 30, 2007

So yeah, I watched 200 pounds of beauty on youtube. It's super nice lah. And it proved that SIZE DOES MATTER. Who would want to date a fat and ugly woman? If a man can choose from a fat and ugly woman and a sexy bitch, who would want to choose the fatty? The woman in the show has super nice voice. But she is fat and ugly. While the other sexy slut has fab looks. But she cant sing. People still like the sexy bitch more.

She attempted to commit suicide. She got so desperate that she went for a head to toe plastic surgery thinking that its not for vainity. She thought her aim was to improve life. But, human are like that. We take everything for granted. And, we are all greedy. We can't be contented with what we have. So, once she's got the looks, she starts neglecting her friends and her family. What's the point? I'm sure everyone will want the fat and ugly her back if they knew that she would turn out to become a "monster" like this. (Okay, I'm exaggerating. She's not THAT bad in the movie)

Yes, all women want to have beautiful face and fabulous figure. Who doesn't? Is being slim a choice or is it an effort? I find it funny that there are things like weight gaining and also things like weight losing. Why some people try so hard just to have more fats on their body, while others are commiting suicide because they don't like what they see in the mirror? Some people eat like they are hungry ghosts, but not even 1 joule of fats stay on their bodies. But, some people run their whole life on treadmills, yet, she still cant get to the figure she wants. Can't god make everyone of equal sizes? Or is it everything in our life is already like that since young. The height, the weight and more.

Everything is unfair in this world.

We'll make new friends. We all do. We'll forget the old. Face it, we all do

Alright. Everything's so random.

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