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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Right, Social Studies is seriously killing me. Nothing gets into my head. No matter many times i flip the pages, no matter how long i read, i just can't remember anything. And then, my headache acts up again. Irritating. So, I decided to do Amaths instead. I know it's not the right time to do Amaths. But, I wanted that feeling of satisfactory that i experienced yesterday. But, everything was different today. Everything i did was wrong. Arghhh. Instead of feeling satisfied, I feel like a retarded. Like i can't do anything. Every subject. Nothing is just going right today!
And time just pass so fast. It's 5 plus already and i haven't got anything done.

Seriously, I think that I am sick. Not as in flu or cough that will recover in a few weeks time. As in like, theres a tumour in my brain, or some kind of terminal disease. I keep having this headache, that can kill me. I can look as white as ghost 1 minute, and the next minute redder than tomatoes. I feel colder than ice 1 second, and the next second, I'm boling. And i get giddy spells so often. I feel like i may die tomorrow. Who knows?

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