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Monday, April 23, 2007

tomorrow's the big day already.
i think that we were all not prepared
ms lye was SO fierce today
she said that we cant achieve a gold with out standards
and she asked ain to go and erase all the "gold" on the board
at that instance, i almost cried.

i think that we didnt really practise for very VERY long
i think that we could have practised more
i think that we could have been ALOT better

i am really very very scared of tomorrow.
i really really want a gold.
towards the end of the practise, i think that we improved quite alot.
but, please, make tomorrow perfect
i dont want anything to go wrong
im so nervous, so worried.
hope that everything will go right
hope that we wont go out of tune

amitoufuo, amen, whatever it is!
im so scared now lah

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