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Sunday, May 06, 2007

): It feels so sad without money. Like when I see something I want, I can't have it. Not like I have anything I want in particular. But when I walk around in the mall, I will feel like a beggar. Like I'm so pathetic. And I will always imagine those taitai taking alot of branded plastic bags suddenly looking at me and making those nananipoopoo faces at me. Haiz. I think too much. And I still love that pair of Mango shorts.

Amaths is seriously killing me. I don't know how to do most of the questions in the 10year serious. Perhaps I should never quit my tuition. But I feel so lazy to go. And it's like so sian to have tuition everyweek. I hope theres a kind of tuition that is available when I need it, and the teacher can fly to me whenever I need him/her. Haha.

Hmm. I don't have any confidence in mids at all. I feel like I'm gonna fail every single subject. Everyone already start mugging. Everyone stopped blogging. But yet, I still here with my usual routine. Watch tv, use comp, go shopping, slack and slack. I don't seem to feel the pressure that the society has given me. Am I too un-sensitive? Unlike Shiyun, whenever she hears that I'm studying, she will sort of panic. But, whenever I hear that she's studying, I will think like. Okay, good for you. Jiayou with your studies. What's wrong with me?

And this freaking headache. It don't seem to go away.

Happy mugging everyone, happy slacking Maggie(:

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