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Monday, May 07, 2007

You still look the same to me. No difference at all lah. So, don't think so much. Don't care about what other people think. You shouln't complain or cry about it. Instead, think positive and try and accept it as it is! No matter how much you whine about it, it will be the same right? Why not make life easier? Just wait patiently for it to grow. Seriously, I think your hair is rather trendy and you look younger now. You don't cut this hairstyle wait till when? When you are 50? Haha. So, don't be too sad. You have my stamp of approval. Your hair DEFINITELY looks okay!

Today was hot hot hot hot hot! Sweat just keep trickling down my forehead. Like everyone was in suana. Or everyone was in a pot and someone is cooking us alive. Haha. And everyone was slacking the whole day lah. Almost all is free period. And they were all supposed for self revision. And we were talking and crapping all the way. Tanwanleng got her new phone, AND, her new hairstyle which I think it looked super okay lah. Just some idiot that are SOO jealous of her. Say that she act cute. Oh hello? She IS cute okay! And you don't even have the face to act cute lor. So just shut the hell up lah.

I feel like an idiot. With my financial conditions, I still lunched at Pizza Hut. Of course, I didn't have enough to pay for it. But Shiyun agreed to help me pay first, and I could pay by installments. Cool right. Thanks Ahshi!! After that went to library to study. Tanwanleng studied while Shiyun and I were wasting our time away. We kept talking, crapping, taking pictures, playing Quadrapop and more. Haha.

Should I get a job during the holidays? If yes, what job? If no, how am I going to survive? If I get a job, I won't have the time to go shopping. What's the point of getting all the money and not having the time to spend it? But if I don't work, I have the time but not the money. What's the point of having ALL the time and not having a single cent to buy the things that you want? And who will want to hire a 15 year old inexperienced person? Fast food outlets? The pay is little and the work is alot. And if I work, I'll probably be working alone. Which is like so sian! What should I do!!!!! Any recommendations or advices? I NEED HELP!

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