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Saturday, May 05, 2007

This time it's true. This time I'm really really serious about it. This time, it's no joke or what so ever already. This time, I'M REALLY BROKE.

Everytime I say that I am broke, I not really broke. Cause I always have this 50 dollar note in my wallet that I just don't wish to spend. But today, I spent the last 50 bucks in my wallet. I saw this jacket in Fox that I love SOO much. I thought that I should go to takashimaya to get it. Cause I have a 20 bucks voucher for taka. So, met samantha after her facial and made our way there with zhuki. Before that we shopped at Bugis. And as usual, I spent money. If I don't spend money I will not be Maggielimmeiqi already okay.

And so, we reached taka. And I saw that jacket. But the guy said that I couldn't use the voucher. Cause the fox is not INSIDE taka. It's counted as in ngee an city. Shit man. The jacket costs 36 bucks. And I certainly dont have that kind of money. Sadly, we moved on. And I fell SO in love with this pair of green shorts at Mango. The shade of green is really really beautiful. And, cutting is super nice. But, it costs $35. ): I want to cry man. Why am I not rich?! It's really saddening to see something that you want SO much. But yet, all you can do is look at it, feel it, and say goodbye. T-T

On the way home, Samantha suggested that we walk back. ahaha. Funny right. And we walked walked and walked till we reached Plaza Singapura. And then, I decided to get that jacket that I want. So, we went to fox. I was in a dilema of whether geting the brown one or the green one. In the end, I got the green one cause Samanthat said that it's mroe unique. But I dont really like this shade of green. And, I think, I'm going to change it. Haha. Don't blame me, all women are fickle minded. Anyway, I also had to pay sam 30 bucks for the mother's day gift.

So, oh dear.


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