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Thursday, May 10, 2007

I've been waiting for tomorrow to come for all my life. That is, the last day of exams! Tomorrow is not really the last day also. But after tomorrow, there's only listening comprehension left! Wahahaha. Anyway I feel that there's not much difference in exam periods and non-exam period. Everyday is a slacking day afterall.

Emaths was quite okay. I didn't know how to do a few questions. I didn't expect the whole paper to be all sec1 and sec2 work! And I didn't even revise them AT ALL. Whatever lah. At least I remembered a teeny weeny bit lah. And suddenly, my stomach hurt like siao. Like I was nine months pregnant and my baby was coming out already. Haha. Seriously, I almost died.

First time school end so early. 10am. Haha. Went to Weeting's(william/weeliam) house. And then slacked and slacked and slacked. First time William keep asking me to do work. But I was busy slacking away. I don't know why and how also. And then, at like 2.30, I feel asleep. I thought William was supposed to wake me up like 5mins later. But, I was awoken up by a phone call. And then I saw the time. 2.20 pm. Wow, so early. I continued sleeping. Then, I realise, didn't I sleep at 2.20? How come its 2.20! don't tell me time can reverse. I looked at my watch again. HUH! It's 3.20 pm already! I slept like almost 1 hour lor. And I jumped up from William's bed. Shocked that I slept for so long. But, after I wake up, didn't do work too. We watched Tv.

And FINALLY, my tamagotchi got the a baby! It's the first time my tamagotchi have a second generation. William and I bought the tamagotchi together. Her's is like the 5th generation already. Whereas mine is only the first one! Haha. But I didn't get to see how the baby was formed. Cause I was sleeping. Haha.

Finally, we settled down and start to study. But, like 10 to 20 minutes later, we got distrated. Went to use comp and blah. And then I saw this Pizza hut flyer on the table. I felt so hungry. And we decided to go and eat. But we didn't have enough money! Arghh. In the end we went to Han's. Super full lah.

Argggh. Darn that Physics. Seriously Isaac Newton has got no life man. Sit under the trees and wait for apples to drop and cause us to suffer so much. What the hell man. You want to lead your life with studies why make us suffer with you! I'd rather you come up with some laws of shopping. I'd be super happy to learn them. Haha. I don't want to learn laws of motion! I don't need them! Idiot newton.

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