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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A miracle happened. I actually didn't use the comp yesterday. YES! The whole freaking day.

Celebration of Mubarak's birthday became a disaster. Mr ow and his over-react thingy again. Why can't this freaking school just let their students be happy and let us be?! What's the point of not letting us do EVERYTHING, causing everyone to be angry at each other. If you were to let us have fun, we are happy, you don't have to raise your voices at us also right?! brainless idiots. And what is the point of tucking in our shirts? I don't see any shit difference can. Why make a BIIIG fuss out of it. Not like we smoke or whatever. Tuck out also need detention? HAHA. What a joke. As I said, stupid government, stupid school, stupid teachers, stupid rules make all the students stupid.

So, Weeting and I waited till their detention ended. And then we all went to kfc. Did some studying while waiting. And uh-huh. We were so distracted as usual. Chit chatting nonstop. At kfc Ilyas, Siuming, Weeting and I stayed back and we did some Amaths. Crap lah. I forgot everything about it. Like what the hell.

Went home. I wanted to do some revision on Chemistry as well as Amaths. But the 9o'clock show just kept my butt stuck to the sofa lah. It's super nice and funny lor. addicted to that show.

After that i started studying. I opened the textbook, and my eyes start closing. I managed to read everything once through. And went to bed at 11pm. It wasnt as planned lah! I don't know. My legs just carried me to my bed. Until mum came and made some noise. Then I realised myself sleeping.

I dreamt that I was at Fahrenheit's autograph session. And they always have those very lucky people that are called up on stage to get closer to them. And I was one of them! I got to kiss Wuzun and he hugged me. I know this sounds idiotic. But, thats shiok okay!


Chemistry was difficult. I was a little taken aback by the questions. Like, did we ever study this kind of things before? I didn't know how to do a lot of questions from section b and I just scribbled some crap on it. And then teacher said that we had to tie the scripts together. But there wasn't any hole on the script! So, I used my pen and poke through the super thick paper. Then ar, I used so much strength until the whole thing tear apart! I was like panicking and showing it to Serena. And then Mrs Tan thought I was discussing the answer. She called my name so loud that she gave me a shock. And she looked at me with this stare.
Seriously, I have a feeling that she doesn't have a good impression of me. Maybe I'm a little rude to her. Or maybe, I'm being too sensitive.

I was too lazy to study for Amaths during the break. So i was slacking away. Haha. Cause all the teachers said that the paper is going to be super easy.

EASY?! Easy MY FOOT! I'm pretty sure that I will fail. And if I really pass, I can go buy toto already. "take SEVEN pieces of paper." Like wow. The number of papers itself was already intimidating. And yeah, I left a lot of questions blank. All the logarithms were so difficult. blahblahblah. And suddenly there was thunder. Gave me a shock!


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