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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Slept super early yesterday. 10pm. Everyone was surprised. Haha. But, I don't think it's enough yet. Still feeling tired.

Today had free periods almost the whole day. And were slacking like mad. It seems like exams are way over already. Haha. They kept playing Quadrapop. And I dont even have a chance to play. When finally, it's my turn, my phone no batt already. T-T so bad.

After school went to mac. crap crap and crap.

Then, Weeting and I went to library to study. And I did. Although not alot. I really feel like doing well in my mids. I mean, who doesn't. But usually, I dont feel like doing well so much. This time, I really really want to. But, I feel like it's kind of impossible. ):

I have to study. zzZZ

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