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Friday, May 04, 2007

Well well well. What a day! Was eating the whole day. Serena bought us crackers. 12 packets for $0.80 only! So, we all were munching and munching non-stop.

I really really feel that N*t*sh* is a nuisance. Whatever lah. But I really find it hilarious lah. And I'm kind of loving this seating arrangement lah. So fun and crappish! Hope we can sit like that forever. Haha.

Went for the chemistry remedial. Was in a dilema of whether to go or not. Cause Shiyun didn't want to go. And Wanleng was going home. But in the end, Shiyun agreed to go. Wahaha. It was quite fun. Crapping and crapping. And I finally know how everything works MORE. Haha. I seriously need more revision. But on Monday's remedial, more people will be here. So teacher's attention won't be so focused already. So sad. Also cant crap as much. But really had fun during the remedial lah. It was quite productive also. And my impression of Miss Tan changed. She's not that bad afterall. (:

Then, met Weeting to go study. Had my lunch, went to popular to get some stuff and then went to Mac to study. Saw shaun. And then Siuming came. We were crapping a lot. And Siuming with his fantasy of wings. He flies with his "wing"( his bone). Weeting flies with her arms and I fly with my fingers. LOL. Crap man!

Seriously today don't seem like a Friday to me at all. Time really really passed so very damn freaking fast lah. It feels like Wednesday today. And oh god. It's freaky friday already! And in a blink of an eye, I shall graduate from this school, and in another blink, work, marry, be taitai, die. Haha. And one day, I shall post about the story of how-my-life-should-go. That I invented that time in the bus to VCH with Tanwanleng being my audience. Haha. It was interesting. REALLY! Ask her. She enjoyed it. Haha.

I dont want everything to pass so fast. ):

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